Kitty McIntyre

Raised in the Cincinnati area with a background of classical music, Kitty started both piano and violin in grade school. She played in the school orchestra and the Cincinnati Youth Symphony through high school, but then put her fiddle in the case. Her plans included college and graduate school, not becoming a musician. However, her brother Andy changed all her plans in the early 1980s when he introduced Kitty to the bluegrass sound. She took her fiddle back out of the case and practiced ’til she could join Cincinnati’s premier bluegrass band, Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. She has been touring with the band ever since.
There are several recording credits to her name. Kitty has played fiddle on five projects by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass and has recorded two solo fiddle albums; The Cat and the Fiddle and The Cat Came Back. Her bass work, harmony singing, and mandolin part are included on several recent Appalachian Grass releases. Along with all her other endeavors, she is currently working on a third instrumental project of all original material.
A partner in the Famous Old Time Music Company retail store since 1984, Kitty now tours with Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass and teaches fiddle, mandolin, beginning guitar, beginning banjo, and upright bass at various Cincinnati-based studios.

Kitty and Vernon at Allen County Fair –
Gospel Tent Duet
Halloween at Famous Old Time Music Co around 1998

A Poem for Kitty McIntyreby Dave Seagram, 2003 Ain’t it cool, Her playing is legend The store is a classic Her fingers – still nimble Her wit can be caustic Her hair may be graying Her face is still youthful,