Vernon McIntyre

Vernon McIntyre’s professional career began in age 15 as the banjo player for Earl Taylor and the Stoney Mountain Boys. Vernon’s dad, stage name Boatwhistle, played bass with the band. When Walt Hensley, the band’s banjo player gave his two-week notice, it opened the door for Vernon to join the band. The rest as they say is history.

Over the years, Vernon has been an active performer and recording artist, both as a banjo player and as vocalist/rhythm guitar player. He was a founding member of the Bluegrass Pardners of Wheeling Jamboree fame. His banjo work with the Easterners was outstanding. He has played with the greats of bluegrass such as Jimmy Martin, Earl Taylor, Jim McCall, Scott Stoneman, James Monroe, and Walter Hensley.

In the late 1970’s Vernon decided to shift from his banjo player position and to assume the lead singer/emcee position in the band. During his stint as banjo player for the Sunny Mountain Boys, Vernon learned Jimmy Martin’s impeccable guitar style. Today, Vernon’s guitar work drives the Appalachian Grass sound and his entertaining emcee work complements the band’s energetic stage presence.

When not on the road with the Appalachian Grass, Vernon spends his time at his Famous Old Time Music Company store front. Stop by or call Vernon at 419-568-1220 to see what’s in stock right now.